Wednesday 13 April 2016

The First Game is Nearly Here


While a long, long time has past, progress has been made.

Much of the time has been taken up with painting. My collection of West Germans in NATO 3 colour camouflage is nearly complete. LVPT7s and LAVs for US marines are done, though only in MERDEC. Various bits and pieces for Soviet Airborne forces, completed.

Perhaps the biggest task has been painting infantry bases. I now have sufficient bases of British in DPM and West Germans (in whatever they call their uniforms.)

Brits back left and right, West Germans front and back right

 US in BDU

Here's the US BDU close up

Though I still need to do US forces for the late 70s before the BDU was introduced about 1980 (as best as I'm able to determine.)

I also revamped my Soviets.

Motor Rifle Troops

Soviet Airborne

But the big thing is that the board for the Attack by the 2nd Guard Army has been laid out, the troops have been sorted, labelled and placed in readiness for the game to kick off.

Currently the delay is around settling on how to represent Soviet-Style Doctrine.  Mostly settled but not quite sorted.  Then there is my natural procrastination, I'm a master at that.

So, hopefully, soon, I will have begun and have something to actually report.

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